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"First of I want to say thank you for being a guest speaker at the Hot M4Radio station conference. You have great positive energy and the way you connected with everyone was awesome. You truly have a gift of change. We would love to have you back soon at our next event. Thank you again now watch my positivity pop!!"
CEO & Founder @ Hot M4 Radio
“I had heard much about coaching and was keen to try it out to see if it would help me get through a really messy divorce. The process of discovering exactly what I wanted and why it was important to me was invaluable – no doubt the effects of that will postively affect both my future relationships and other areas of my life…”
Monique L

LaDonna Johnson
"Laura helped me to gain more clarity and to work efficiently on my personal and business goals. Her sessions are very motivating and helped me to move faster towards my goals."
S. Dobbs
"Having Laura Tolbert in my life has been a true blessing. She has an ability to connect with people on a visceral level and guide us into our full potential. Her desire to understand others without judgment or aspersions allows for a connection unlike many others in my life, and she has been invaluable to me as a personal guide. She is a true human cipher, helping to translate behaviors and beliefs into clear purpose and meaning. Allowing Laura Tolbert into your life is the equivalent of giving your own faith back to yourself.” I am so grateful the way she has helped me to "Keep the Positivity Poppin."

"Laura was so amazing, inviting, and loving at our workshop. She got the women to think about things they never thought about. No matter who you are, no matter how successful, Laura has something to offer you. She is the true definition of Girl Power!"

Gloria Ward
Any person can agree that looking for a life coach can be challenging, time consuming and a stressful ordeal especially if you don't know what to look for. After interviewing a few life coaches my experience with Laura was everything I imagined and more. Not only a professional, Laura's guidance and suggestions assisted me in acheiving life as well as spiritual objectives. With these accomplishments in self reflection I was able to move on to more formidable and ambitious feats in which I strive with confidence. I exceedingly recommend Lauras services because now I can spread my positivity and help others pop. Thank you Laura :)


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